
The Right to Learn: Education of Hoosiers with Disabilities was written by Jane Harlan-Simmons, Research Associate at the Indiana Institute on Disability and Community, for the Indiana Disability History Project.

Selected Sources

James L. Flannery, “Special Education,” in David J. Bodenhamer and Robert G. Barrows, eds., Encyclopedia of Indianapolis (Bloomington, Ind., 1994), 528-30.

Center on Evaluation and Education Policy at Indiana University Bloomington. "No Child Left Behind, Spring 2005 Implementation Update"

Osgood, R. L. (2002). From "Public Liabilities" to "Public Assets": Special Education for Children with Mental Retardation in Indiana Public Schools, 1908–1931. The Indiana Magazine of History, 203-225.

Winzer, Margret A. From Integration to Inclusion: A History of Special Education in the 20th Century (Gallaudet University Press 2009).