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The COVID-19 Pandemic’s Impact on People with Disabilities in Indiana
"Some of us have a lot of health issues that we were born with, along with getting this virus makes it a whole lot worse," Ashley Porter points out in an interview about how the COVID-19 pandemic has impacted the lives of Hoosiers with disabilities.…
Seena Skelton - Dis/ability and Communities of Color During a Pandemic
"I was very strategic about making sure that when I got the vaccine I went to a location that was situated in a suburban, majority white community." Seena Skelton, Director of Operations, Midwest and Plains Equity Assistance Center, was interviewed…
Journey to Full Citizenship: Indiana’s Disability History
This video is an overview of 200 years of change in the lives of Hoosiers with disabilities, produced by the Indiana Disability History Project. A very broad survey starting in the 19th century, the short video highlights the role of advocacy in…
Complex Identities: Hoosiers with Disabilities from Minoritized Communities
"We have been omitted for such a long time. It's as if we don't matter," observes Gary resident Tony Blair. Like other people of color with disabilities, he is a member of multiple minoritized communities. The concept of intersectionality was…
Ashley Porter - The Pandemic's Impact on My Life
"I was laid off work for six months." In an excerpt of a 2021 interview, Ashley Porter describes her experience of unemployment and social isolation during the COVID-19 pandemic. Activities such as ballroom dancing were no longer possible, meetings…